Welcome to the ____ / ___) *StarShip* 5-MINUTE Weekend Newscast / (_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / ___) / (__ very weekend the *StarShip* on GEnie presents a new 5-MINUTE Weekend (_____) Newscast in Communications Room 10 in the Real-Time Conference Area. Featuring late-breaking stories from the Amiga community, these dynamic, scrolling newscasts cycle every 5 minutes, so you can stop by between 6PM and 3AM Eastern time on Friday, or 3PM and 3AM Eastern time on Saturday or Sunday and learn everything that happened during the preceding week. Industry news, product announcements, upgrades, rumors, special *StarShip* activities, trade show reports, GEnie usage tips, humor, recommended files to download... ... the works -- and it ONLY takes 5 minutes! Each 5-MINUTE Weekend Newscast is available on *StarShip* Menu #10 during the following week. Periodically, newscasts are combined and made available for downloading from the *StarShip* Library. ____________________________________________________________ // \ || -*- IMPORTANT! -*- | || | || As long as individual stories are kept intact and credit | || is given, this material may be reproduced in ALL or PART | || on a privately owned BBS or in a user group newsletter. | || See wording for proper credit at the end of this Newscast. | \\____________________________________________________________/ || | || | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks to Denny Atkin, Editor, COMPUTE's Amiga Resource, for his generous input. Here we go!... DateLine: February 26, 1993 This 5-MINUTE Newscast presents the following stories: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Commodore Sponsored Developers Conference a Success 1992 Developers' Choice Awards Announced 2. Save the Amiga's Voice Campaign 3. GVP To Release SCSI/RAM Card for the A1200 4. Next Week's *StarShip* Amiga Conferences 5. Migraph Announces CS-6000 Color Hand Scanner for the Amiga 6. Medical Graphics Workshop Scheduled 7. It's Time for CLIK-CLAK!! From HOLLYWARE Entertainment 8. Mindscape UK New Release: "Mario is Missing" Mindscape UK and Maxis New Release: "SimLife" 9. Gardner Communications: Animator Wanted ______________________________________________________________________ / \\ | || | *StarShip* News B U L L E T I N || | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || | || | Due to unavoidable scheduling conflicts, there will be NO || | *StarShip* 5-MINUTE Newscast next weekend, March 5th, 6th || | and 7th. *StarShip* News Reporters will be attending the || | Annual GEnieMakers Conference at that time. Although we || | have mastered multitasking on the Amiga, we haven't quite || | the hang of being in two places at once! || | || | We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and will || | resume regularly scheduled Newscasts on March 12th. || | || | || \_____________________________________________________________________// *StarShip* NEWS *Flash* 1st of 9 Stories Commodore Sponsored Developers Conference a Success 1992 Developers' Choice Awards Announced ____ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / ___) February 8, 1993 -- West Chester, PA / / / (__ (_____)ommodore Applications and Technical Support Group (CATS) sponsored a Developers Conference in Orlando, Florida, from January 26-30. A record number of four hundred developers from thirteen countries attended the conference to learn more about Commodore's plans and new developments for the Amiga(R) line of personal computers. Representatives from CATS, Commodore's Engineering staff and Commodore's sales divisions were on hand to conduct seminars and meet with developers. More than forty sessions were held during the five-day conference. Among the presenters were representatives from Motorola and the American Management Association. Over 700 pages of documentation and four disks were prepared for distribution to developers in attendance. "The Developers Conference offers us the opportunity to share with developers our corporate direction and implementation strategy, as well as receive feedback from from developers on our plans," said John Campbell, CATS director. "The success of this year's conference was apparent through the many comments we received from the record number of quality developers present at the conference." Amiga software and peripheral developers selected top products released in 1992 in six categories. The developers of the selected products were presented with awards at a luncheon held at the conference. The names of the selected products, as well as the latest product to be inducted into the "Amiga Hall of Fame" are listed below. Commodore International Limited, through its subsidiaries around the world, is a manufacturer and marketer of a wide range of computer-based products for professionals and consumers. The company's worldwide installed user base of Amiga computers is presently almost four million. 1992 Amiga Hall of Fame Inductee ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Video Toaster(TM) -- NewTek, Inc. A broadcast-quality video production and editing system. 1992 Developers' Choice Awards ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Best Professional Productivity Software SAS/C6.0 -- SAS Institute Inc. A controllable C compiler with options for customizing and increasing the speed of programming. Best Consumer Productivity Software DeluxePaintIV(TM) -- Electronic Arts A full featured paint and animation program. Best Education Software The Miracle Piano Teaching System(TM) -- Software Toolworks A piano keyboard with computer software that teaches the user how to play the piano. Best Entertainment Software Pinball Fantasies - 21st Century Entertainment An exciting animated pinball game. Best User Interface AmigaDOS(TM) Release 3 -- Commodore International Limited The newest version of Commodore's multitasking operating system. Best Hardware Amiga 4000 -- Commodore International Limited Commodore's most advanced computer featuring the AGA chip set with 16.8 million displayable colors. Amiga and AmigaDOS are trademarks of Commodore-Amiga, Inc. Video Toaster is a trademark of NewTek, Inc. Deluxe Paint IV is a trademark of Electronic Arts. The Miracle Piano Teaching System is a trademark of The Software Toolworks. -*- *StarShip* NEWS *Flash* 2nd of 9 Stories _ _ Save the Amiga's Voice Campaign ( \ / ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ \/ / \ / / / (_/our Amiga needs your help now! The voice of Amy and her future sister machines is in jeopardy. As you might know, Commodore has withdrawn the speech files from the new operating system. Although the hardware is capable, the new machines are mute. You have the power to control the Amiga's destiny (and your own). If you take ACTION there will be a REACTION. If you write, they will listen. There are no guaranties except for INACTION. Join an international write-in campaign -- probably the most massive, organized effort ever attempted for the Amiga or possibly any computer. Print out the enclosed files, one for individuals and one for user groups or write your own. Sign and mail them, give them to other users, get user group members to sign them. Mail them to Mr. Ned McCook at Commodore (address in file). From a very reliable source, he is the person who needs to know your mind. Your Amiga, the multi-tasking, multi-media, multi-talented computer -- the one the others emulate (however badly) -- needs you now! Help make March 1993 the month over 3 million Amiga users MARCH FORTH! Post this on all BBS's and anywhere the total force and muscle of the Amiga reside. Suggested Individual Letter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr. Ned McCook Director, Software Engineering Commodore Business Machines 1200 Wilson Drive West Chester, PA 19380 Dear Mr. McCook, I am very concerned about the decision to discontinue the speech capability in the latest operating system (2.1, 3.0). This has been one of the distinguishing characteristics of Amiga computers since the first A1000 went into service. Third party add-ons are appearing for the MacIntosh and IBM compatibles and I feel that this is not the time to relinquish speech ability for ANY reason. History shows that the Amiga has been a magnetic force in directing the course of computing. The fact that other platforms have tried to emulate the purposes and inborn qualities of the Amiga proves that the vision of the original designers was long and true. Now is not the time to compromise that vision, but to continue to enhance it. I hope that you will reconsider this decision and act positively, as only a negative impact will result otherwise, for the Amiga community and for Commodore. Talking machines and machines that understand speech will be part of the future wave -- a wave that is building right now. Sincerely, /signature/ Suggested Petition ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr. Ned McCook Director, Software Engineering Commodore Business Machines 1200 Wilson Drive West Chester, PA 19380 Dear Mr. McCook, We, the members of [user group name], are very concerned about the decision to discontinue the speech capability in the latest operating system (2.1, 3.0). This has been one of the distinguishing characteristics of Amiga computers since the first A1000 went into service. Third party add-ons are appearing for the MacIntosh and IBM compatibles and we feel that this is not the time to relinquish speech ability for ANY reason. We hope that you will reconsider this decision and act positively, as only a negative impact will result otherwise, for the Amiga community and for Commodore. Name Address Phone ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /have your members sign here/ -*- *StarShip* NEWS *Flash* 3rd of 9 Stories _____ GVP To Release SCSI/RAM Card for the A1200 / ____) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / /___ King of Prussia, PA -- February 16, 1993 / /( ) / (__) / (______/VP announced today it will release a multifunctional SCSI/RAM/FPU board for Commodore's new A1200 sometime in March. Called the A1200 SCSI/RAM+, this versatile board features 32-bit RAM expansion capabilities, a high speed SCSI interface and a socket for an FPU (6882 math coprocessor) which dramatically improves floating point operations. The A1200 SCSI/RAM+ will be available in two configurations. The "Low-Cost" A1200 SCSI/RAM+ carries a suggested retail price of $360.00 and features GVP's well known high speed SCSI interface and comes with 0MB of RAM and no FPU, while the "Power Up" version, retailing at $599.00, offers the same high speed SCSI interface and includes an FPU and 4MB of 32-bit RAM. Featuring the fastest SCSI interface ever designed by GVP, the A1200 SCSI/RAM+ will also accept up to 8MB of 60ns 32-bit wide DRAM. Using either standard GVP SIMM 32-1MB SIMMS or GVP 32-4MB SIMMS, the board can be configured in 0, 2, 4 or 8MB increments, all running at 0 wait states. The optional FPU can be clocked at 14 MHz, along with the A1200's system clock, or independently at speeds up to 40 MHz. "By capitalizing on its extensive experience in the Amiga add-on market, GVP has produced a board that is capable of transforming the A1200 into the ultimate low-cost workstation. The SCSI/RAM+ is the ideal peripheral for animators, image manipulators, audio and music designers," comments Jeff Boyer, GVP's Vice President of Engineering. GVP is a privately held company that was founded in 1988. Today it is the world's largest developer of peripherals for the Commodore Amiga. For more information about their products, contact your local Amiga Dealer or Great Valley Products, 600 Clark Ave., King of Prussia, PA 19406, or telephone 215/337-8770, fax 215/337-9922. -*- *StarShip* NEWS *Flash* 4th of 9 Stories __________________________________________________________________________ | | | *StarShip* Amiga Conferences | | _ | | _ _ / ) | | / \/ \ ____ ___ ___ / /__ | | / \ / _ ) / __)/ __) / _ ) | | / /\ /\ \ / (/ / / / / (_ / / ) / | | (_/ \/ \_)(_____)(_/ (____)(_/ (_/ | | | | Except where noted, Conferences begin at 10PM Eastern Time in the Amiga | | Conference Rooms at Page 555;2. Amiga Programmers meet Wednesday nights | | at Pro/Am on Page 670. Amiga/GEnie HelpDesk EVERY Night at 9PM Eastern. | |__________________________________________________________________________| | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Humpday |Thursday | Friday | Saturday | | Help@9EST| Help@9EST|Help@9EST| Help@9EST|Help@9EST| Help@9EST| Help@9EST| |__________|__________|______|__|__________|_________|__________|__________| | Feb 28 | March 1 | 2 |\ | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | | | | _| | | | _No_ | | | | DeskTop | (_) | AmiGames |vv-Video!|*StarShip*|9:Hardware| |10PM: |Publishing| Mad | ------ | with | Newscast | Clinic | | Great | Night | Music |Programing| Yury & | this |10: Amiga | | Graphics | | Night |at Pro/Am | Guests | Weekend |PartyNight| |__________|__________|_________|__________|_________|__________|__________| HelpDesk *EVERY* NIGHT @ 9PM Eastern Time! Got a problem? If you have questions about learning to use your Amiga, the *StarShip* or GEnie, we have answers! Stop by Conference Room 4 ANY EVENING from 9 to 10 EST for live, on-the-spot help. -*- *StarShip* NEWS *Flash* 5th of 9 Stories Migraph Announces CS-6000 Color Hand Scanner for the Amiga _ _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / \/ \ Federal Way, WA -- February 15, 1993 / \ / /\ /\ \ (_/ \/ \_)igraph, Inc., developer of scanner and graphics solutions, today announced the development of the Migraph CS-6000 color hand scanner for Amiga systems. "Since the release of the Migraph monochrome hand scanner in 1991, Migraph has been besieged with requests for a color hand scanner," states Migraph president Kevin Mitchell. "The CS-6000 color hand scanner is the logical continuation of our product line. It offers the end user the capability of capturing over a quarter of a million colors in a single pass, at an affordable price. Not only that, but it also functions as the first true greyscale hand scanner for the growing Amiga desktop publishing market." The retail price for the Migraph Color Hand Scanner is $549. This includes the scanner, interface, power supply, and color scanning software. Features The Migraph CS-6000 color hand scanner has these powerful features: * Capable of recognizing and scanning up to 262,144 colors * Six scanning resolutions: 50-400 dots per inch (dpi) * Five scanning modes: Super Color Mode (262,144 colors), Color Mode (4096 colors), Greyscale, Monochrome Dither Halftone, and Monochrome/line art (text) * Four inch wide (105 mm) scanning window * Software to scan and save color, greyscale, and monochrome images in popular file formats * True greyscale scanning enables the user to scan 64 true greyscale levels at 400 dpi * Compatible with Workbench v1.3, v2.x, and v3. The new AGA chipset is also supported. * Convenient Start/Stop scanning switch * Adjustable brightness control * Compact parallel interface with a cable to allow ease of installation. "The Migraph CS-6000 color hand scanner allows users of all level systems to scan color images quickly and easily for use in on-screen multimedia applications, slide presentations, desktop publishing and more," states Kevin Mitchell. "For applications that require the capturing of flat graphics, the CS-6000 color hand scanner removes the issues of lenses and lighting, is far less expensive than a camera/digitizer combination, offers truer and more consistent colors and is easier to use. For anyone needing color graphics that are smaller than a full page, the Migraph CS-6000 provides the optimum solution." Introductory Special For a limited time Migraph is offering an introductory special on the CS-6000 color hand scanner when purchased direct from Migraph. Customers may purchase the CS-6000 for $399.00 plus applicable shipping through April 30, 1993. This special also includes free software upgrades through June 30, 1993. System Requirements The Migraph CS-6000 color hand scanner requires an Amiga with 1MB of RAM, however 2MB is recommended. Distribution The Migraph CS-6000 is available direct from Migraph and through selected Amiga dealers. For further information on Migraph and its products, call 206/838-4677 or fax 206-838-4702. -*- *StarShip* NEWS *Flash* 6th of 9 Stories ____ Medical Graphics Workshop Scheduled (_ _) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / / _/ / (____)nterested in Medical Graphics? Pathologists, physicians, scientists and medical technologists, join us in Chicago, March 30, 1993, at the National Spring Meeting of the American Association of Clinical Pathologists (ASCP), in a 3 1/2 hour, hands-on Amiga workshop on Medical Graphics and Multimedia applications in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. Digital Imaging in Pathology Quota: 45 pathologists and medical technologists This is a hands-on workshop that addresses the application of pathology images (creating, storing, retrieving, manipulating, and transmitting) to microcomputers. The workshop consists of three sessions that include the principles of digital imaging, the methods of digitizing, and the creating of multimedia and authoring programs. Participants are given the opportunity to reinforce each of the above lecture-demonstration sessions during the hands-on computer laboratory portion of the workshop using Amiga computers from Commodore. The instructors have a long-standing special interest in digital imaging and have worked with several simple and affordable microcomputers which support graphics, sound, and home video equipment. For more information contact: M.ALVIRA via GE Mail (73635,644) CompuServe Mariano Alvira, MD (513) 420-5004 -*- ______________________________________________________________________ / \\ | || | *StarShip* News B U L L E T I N || | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || | || | Due to unavoidable scheduling conflicts, there will be NO || | *StarShip* 5-MINUTE Newscast next weekend, March 5th, 6th || | and 7th. *StarShip* News Reporters will be attending the || | Annual GEnieMakers Conference at that time. Although we || | have mastered multitasking on the Amiga, we haven't quite || | got the hang of being in two places at once! || | || | We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and will || | resume regularly scheduled Newscasts on March 12th. || | || | || \_____________________________________________________________________// *StarShip* Amiga *Flash* 7th of 9 Stories ___ ___ It's Time for CLIK-CLAK!! (_ )( _) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / /_/ / Marina del Rey, CA -- February 1993 / __ / _/ / / / (___)(__)OLLYWARE Entertainment is pleased to announce the release of CLIK-CLAK. CLIK-CLAK is available through normal distribution centers or may be purchased directly from HOLLYWARE Entertainment. Get ready for some fast-paced fun! CLIK-CLAK is an addictive gear game that allows you to transform twelve Wonders of the Ancient and Modern World into time pieces. You build the inner mechanisms by linking together gears of different sizes and colors into the proper sequence while struggling against time, heat and two gremlin-like creatures that torment you by rusting the gears or breaking off the mounting pegs. This visually innovative game will test your reflexes, engineering skills and your nerves. Remember time is tick, tick, ticking away! Just like any other machine there are bugs, in this case poffins, that try to damage the mechanism by rusting the gears and breaking off the mounting pegs. But there are ways around them, like shooting 'em, but be careful not to use all your ammunition. There is also an oil can that will "lube up" any rusted gears. Features o Twelve levels of action divided into sublevels to test your intelligence. o Use bombs to blow up improperly placed gears and use the oil can to free-up rusted gears. o Use the gun sight to knock the gremlins off the play screen. o Test your reflexes with the slot machine between sublevels to increase your score and necessary supplies. o Code word access to any completed level o Manual based copy protection The music and the sound effects for CLIK-CLAK add fun and tension as you try and solve this puzzling twelve level game. Another fun feature CLICK-CLAK has is a slot machine set up between levels so that you can add to your score or get additional supplies. There is an access code given after completing a level. CLIK-CLAK has been called the "Tetris" of the 90's. Some have nick-named it "the hair puller." We think you will call it "endless fun!" CLIK-CLAK is the most unique and original idea for a puzzle game to come along in a very long time. CLIK-CLAK will be available on the Amiga, IBM and Commodore formats. Game Boy and Game Gear versions will be available in the third quarter of 1993. Suggested retail: $49.95 for Amiga and IBM versions $39.95 for Commodore 64 version For more information contact your local Amiga dealer or HOLLYWARE Entertainment, 13464 Washington Blvd., Marine del Rey, CA 90291, telephone 310/833-9200, fax 310/390-0457. -*- *StarShip* NEWS *Flash* 8th of 9 Stories Mindscape UK New Release: "Mario is Missing" _ _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / \/ \ West Sussex, England -- February 1993 / \ / /\ /\ \ (_/ \/ \_)indscape have secured the rights to feature the world renowned Nintendo character "Mario" in a series of "edutainment" products. Mario's arch-enemies Bowser and the Koopas has resumed their lives of crime and have turned their attentions from Mario World to the real world. This time they've captured Mario and they're stealing the world's treasures... so you've GOT to stop them. You'll be Luigi, Mario's baking brother, coming to the rescue. Following the Koopas through time portants, using your wits to win out, ruining Bowser's day. Talk to local people and search for clues as you visit 19 different cities. Cairo, New York, Tokyo, Paris... fasten your seatbelt and foil the Koopas to put treasures like the Sphinx, Big Ben and The Mona Lisa -- not to forget Mario himself -- back where they belong. It takes brains and agility. Plus, by the time you've finished, you'll know the world inside out. Mario's gonna be real proud of you. The Mario Bros. -- they're gonna teach you a lesson! Released for the Amiga in April 1993. Price to be announced. Mindscape UK and Maxis New Release: "SIMLIFE" _ _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / ) / ) West Sussex, England -- February 1993 / / / / / (_/ / (_____(sing the latest advances in Artificial Life research, SimLife simulates ecosystems, right down to individual genes. Plants and animals interact with each other and their environment as they do in the "real world." They even mutate and evolve into new species. Six different game scenarios challenge you to solve problems involving everything from food chain management to genetic manipulation. Design your own experiments using simulated environments, ecosystems, genetics, evolution, life and behaviour. Witness the cause and effects of your decisions and discover the delicate relationships that form between living beings. Mindscape are converting SimLife for the Amiga for release in July 1993. SimLife will be available first in a specific A1200 enhanced version! For further information, contact Mindscape International, Priority House, Charles Avenue, Maltings Park, Burgess Hill, West Sussex RH15 9PQ, telephone 0444 246333, fax 0444 248996. -*- *StarShip* NEWS *Flash* 9th of 9 Stories Animator Wanted _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / \ Ann Arbor, MI -- February 1993 / - \ / ___ \ (_/ \_) full time position is open for an experienced graphic and 3D animation artist at a professional video production facility in Ann Arbor, MI. Please do not respond through the Bulletin Board. Send resume, demo reel and brief bio to: Gardner Communications, 313 North First Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48103. -*- Over a GIGABYTE of Amiga files in our Library! Catch your limit of Fred FISH Disks from the *StarFish* Library. If you are after a SINGLE PROGRAM on a Fish Disk, SEARCH for it before downloading the disk. Most are available separately! _______________________________________________________________ | | | | | Permission is hereby granted to quote ALL or PART of this | | Newscast on a privately owned BBS or in a user group news- | | letter (*) provided you include the following credit: | | | | Reprinted by Permission from the 5-MINUTE Weekend | | News Network, a *StarShip*(tm) Production on GEnie(R). | | * /\ / | |_________________________________________________ ___/ \___ _| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ oo / ~ . \ \__/ / _ (*) We would like to know about it / \ if you do, and you can tell us \ /\ / *FREE* by leaving Feedback to / \/ \/ \ the SysOps on GEnie Page 555. *StarFish* Librarian The February ViewPort, *StarShip*'s Monthly Online Magazine is available FREE from Menu Option #9 on GEnie page 555! February ViewPort ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C O N T E N T S Film at Eleven ........................................ Jim Meyer Denny Atkin's Best Amiga Tips and Secrets........... Greg Guthman Quarterback 5.0.3..................................... Kevin Rahe Ami-Back 2.0........................................... Jim Meyer Art Department Professional.......................... Yury German HAM on 8 - Hold the Mayo!.............................. Jim Meyer The ABC's of A-Train............................... Sylvia Lutnes Pinball Fantasies...................................... Bob Eller Running with ARexx, Part 2........................... Robin Evans PCMCIA, Part 1...................................... Greg Guthman End Notes and Coming Attractions.................................